Collection: Cautam coleg pentru postul de Junior Office Manager

 Angajam Office Manager

The ideal candidate we are looking for should have and offer:

  • Advanced English (writing, speaking and reading);
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in Romanian and English;
  • Computer skills and knowledge of MS Office
  • Driving license (cat. B)
  • Multitasking, attention to detail and prioritise work
  • Team work
  • Initiative
  • Sale support experience is an advantage
  • Office management experience is an advantage
  • Understanding Audio-Video equipment is an advantage (amateur videographers are welcome!)

Main responsibilities: 

  • Dealing with correspondence, packages and deliveries
  • Maintaining contact with the suppliers, delivery companies and the final customers
  • Back-office support for the sales team
  • Acquire step by step knowledge of the products that we sell
  • Adding products in the stock software


What we offer:

  • You can learn and promote to sales support and, later, to sales manager
  • Everything you need for your work to go smoothly: mobile phone, laptop, excellent coffee and more
  • Christmas bonuses and team buildings (in the after-Corona Era, of course)
  • Access to the latest cinematographic technologies


About the company:

O-VIDEO was established in 1994 and focused on building a successful business in selling and distributing professional equipment and solutions for TV / broadcast and cinema productions. We currently have local offices in the UK, Romania, Moldova, Hungary and the Czech Republic.

In addition to offering extremely competitive equipment sales, we offer Service Support as a key aspect of our business and have been selected and authorized by a multitude of manufacturers to provide after sales service for products sold through our offices. Companies include ARRI, RED, Sony, Fujinon, Sachtler and many others.



Ce cautam in angajatul ideal:

  • Cunostinte avansate de limba engleza (scris, vorbit si citit)
  • Abilitati exceptionale de relationare, verbale si in scris, in limba romana si engleza
  • Cunostinte de operare PC si a suitei Microsoft
  • Carnet de sofer (categoria B)
  • Capacitate de multitasking, atentie la detaliu si abilitatea de a prioritiza sarcinile
  • Colaboreaza bine in echipa
  • Demonstreaza initiativa
  • Experienta in sale support este un avantaj
  • Experienta in logistica este un avantaj
  • Intelegerea echipamentelor audi-video este un avantaj (videografii amatori sunt bine veniti!)


Responsabilitatile principale:

  • Asigura partea de corespondenta, pachete si livrare
  • Pastreaza legatura cu producatorii, companiile de transport si clientii finali
  • Ofera sustinere pentru echipa de vanzari
  • Invata treptat produsele si echipamentele pe care le comercializam
  • Adauga produsele ajunse la birou in stoc si tine evidenta acestora pe masura ce sunt trimise catre clienti


Ce oferim: 

  • Poti invata sa faci vanzari astfel incat sa promovezi la functia de sales support si, in timp, la cea de sales manager
  • Iti punem la dispozitie tot ceea ce ai nevoie pentru a lucra eficient: telefon mobil, laptop, o cafea minunata si multe altele
  • Prime de Craciun si team building anual (dupa ce se tremina nebunia Covid, desigur)
  • Acces la cele mai noi inovatii si tehnologii din industria cinematografica


Despre noi: 

O-VIDEO aduce in mod direct pe piata de broadcast, audio-video, film si post productie din Romania un portofoliu matur si experienta castigate in peste 20 de ani de activitate. Intr-un segment de piata specializat, O-VIDEO a avut inca de la inceput ocazia sa relationeze si sa colaboreze cu cei mai importanti jucatori din bransa, atat in privinta clientilor cat si a furnizorilor. Mentinerea legaturilor stranse cu acestia a fost mereu o prioritate pentru noi.

Sustinem in prezent o echipa bine pregatita, gata sa ofere solutii integrate, consultanta pre si post vanzare, suport tehnic si service in fiecare dintre birourile locale din Romania (Bucuresti si Brasov), Marea Britanie, Republica Moldova, Ungaria si Republica Ceha. Biroul din Bucuresti este Sony Authorised Service Centre (ASC).


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